Download 2 books by Lawrence Watt-Evans (.ePUB)

2 books by Lawrence Watt-Evans
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Overview: Lawrence Watt-Evans (born 1954) is one of the pseudonyms of American science fiction and fantasy author Lawrence Watt Evans (another pseudonym, used primarily for science fiction, is Nathan Archer). Born in Arlington, Massachusetts, as the fourth of six children, he made his first attempts at professional writing when he was eight. After graduating from Bedford High School in Bedford, Massachusetts, he attended Princeton University but left without a degree. By the rules of Princeton, he could not re-apply for a year, during which he began to seriously try to sell his writing, but sold nothing significant until The Lure of the Basilisk in 1978 (published 1980), whereupon he began writing full time.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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1. The Nightmare People: Ed Smith thought he was having a waking nightmare when he saw a monstrous face at his window, but in the morning his neighbors were missing. The people who later turned up were not quite right, and gradually Smith realized they not only weren’t his neighbors, but weren’t even human. They were the creatures he had seen . . . In THE NIGHTMARE PEOPLE, Lawrence Watt-Evans has created a terrifying new monster in the classic tradition of Frankenstein and Dracula.

2. Shining Steel: When John Mercy-of-Christ’s soldiers ran up against weapons like none they had ever seen before, John’s campaign to defeat the enemies of The True Word and Flesh came to a sudden halt. Once guns that could only come from Old Earth arrived, the doctrinal differences between his sect and the Chosen of the Holy Ghost had to be put to one side-for what other abominations might be in store? If the starships of Earth were to battle the swords of Godsworld, John was ready for that war. But what he wasn’t ready for was just how much the new war was going to change him.

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