Download 2 Books by Josie Myer (.ePUB)

2 Books by Josie Myer
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 307.99 KB
Overview: Josie Myer has been a Taboo Erotic Romance author since 2014. After reading stories like "Belinda" and the Sleeping Beauty Trilogy, Taboo Erotic Romances became a wicked fascination. She loves the temporary escape a good story can provide. When she’s not writing the next steamy erotic story, Joie enjoys bike riding and walking her fat Pug named Moo.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


Miley: A forbidden tale dripping with steamy scenes. Miley is determined to be a great help to the man in her life who has the most unusual problem.
Mob Boss (Zoe): Eighteen-year-old Zoe Dunne is trapped in a compromising position between her Mobster stepdaddy and a nearby rival family. With the shift of power on the table, on who will be the next Mob Boss, Zoe’s stepdaddy makes the ultimate deal that might keep them alive but strip her of her virgin status once and for all.
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