Download 2 Books by D C Williams (.ePUB)

2 Books by D C Williams
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Overview: D.C. Williams is a writer who lives in Pennsylvania with one spouse and one child. I LOVE reader interaction. I used to add that I tended to "friend" people who added my books. I’ve taken that down because at this point I have people adding my books who I really haven’t interacted with at all.
Genre: Romance MM


Opening the Door
One cold February night in 1983 Jim meets some friends in a bar and is introduced to Micah. His attraction to the other man will make him examine himself, as a man and as an Episcopal priest.

Doors That Remain Closed
In a small college town in 1973, the crusade to help a fellow student who is losing his scholarship for being gay brings two graduate students together to confront their feelings for each other.

Author’s Note: This is a historical work, and my characters have views about both sexuality and psychology that are meant to be reflective of the period, and significantly differ from modern attitudes.

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