Download Yoga Therapy across the Cancer Care Continuum by Leigh Leibel (.ePUB)+

Yoga Therapy across the Cancer Care Continuum by Leigh Leibel
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 31 MB
Overview: Facing cancer calls for skilled, equitable, and compassionate support. Yoga therapists are part of an evidenced-informed health care team uniquely qualified to support whole-person community care throughout the continuum of the cancer experience, professionally and with tender-hearted humanity. Yoga Therapy Across the Cancer Care Continuum:

– Describes the unique emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual experiences of people at each stage of the cancer care continuum (including diagnosis, acute treatment, no evidence of disease or living with chronic disease, cancer recurrence, and end of life) and the responsive support offered by the breadth of individualized yoga therapy care.

– Explains the biology of cancer and the challenges associated with type and stage of malignancy, as well as adverse side effects of conventional treatment (surgery, radiation, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy, and hematopoietic stem cell transplant), comorbid health conditions, and their impact on the whole person: mind, body, and soul.

– Shares the unique perspective of 40 oncology yoga therapists with exceptional expertise working with diverse cancer populations in academic medical centers, hospitals, clinics, studios, in-home, and via-telehealth; includes clinical experience and scientific research that highlights relative contraindications and clinical “pearls”.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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