Download Xenophobia Series by Andreas Karpf (.ePUB)+

Xenophobia Series (1-2) by Andreas Karpf
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 1.7MB
Overview: Andreas Karpf is an experimental physicist with a life-long interest in the space program. He enjoys a good space adventure, but lives for the hard sci-fi novel set in a plausible future that doesn’t get weighed down by too much technology – stories that take him for a ride and let him dream about what may lie ahead for humanity.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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#1 – Prelude to Extinction
Earth’s first interstellar mission … An alien colony in ruins … Their fight for survival has only just begun. Called “True Science Fiction” … A must-read!

When Jack Harrison climbed down the short ladder from the airlock and stepped onto the debris covered soil, the ground crackled with the sound of dried leaves and twigs. Warm sunlight shined through his helmet, making him almost forget the decade he just spent captaining Earth’s first ship to another star system. The serene tropical surroundings, though, stood in stark contrast to the long abandoned structures that lay nearby.

Evidence points to a massacre – the systematic extermination of an alien colony hundreds of millennia ahead of humanity. Time, however, has erased any trace of the attackers. Jack and his crew barely start probing the ruins before their curiosity betrays them as an abandoned alien device cuts them off from their main ship. Lost and short on supplies, survival soon becomes their only goal. Even their short-lived rescue by an alien race, who themselves are under siege, offers little hope. As they struggle to find a way home, signs begin pointing to a danger darker than any they could have foreseen. Jack knows that playing it safe may no longer be an option – but his only other choice is to confront a threat that they don’t even begin to understand.

#2 – Latent Flaw
A crescent moon set against a jeweled field of stars gracefully slid into view. The thin arc of its crater-filled landscape drew Jack’s mind in. His eyes followed the long, inky shadows cast by jagged crater walls as they cut sharply into the pockmarked ashen terrain. Deeper within the jet-black lunar night-side were the lonely peaks of a smattering of mountain tops, catching a few last rays of sunlight. All Jack felt was a desire to escape – to be down there, exploring – perhaps uncovering some new detail in the history of Earth’s nearest neighbor – anything to avoid the chaos that was now poised to engulf him. But, there was no choice. Something was actively sabotaging their work and threatening the entire alien archive program. The recent attacks were anything but random and growing bolder. They knew he was on to them. A rogue signal now pointed to the frigid, dusty realm of Jupiter’s trojan asteroids. The question is: can they stop him before he finds them?

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