Download Wrong Place by M.A. Comley (.MP3)

Wrong Place by M.A. Comley, Narrated by Charlotte Anne Dore (D.I. Sally Parker #1)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 195.7 MB, 7 hours and 23 minutes
Overview: DI Sally Parker has a serial killer on her patch. One thing that sets this killer apart from the others she’s hunted before: his willingness to leave DNA at each of the crime scenes. It’s up to Sally and her partner, DS Jack Blackman, to find out why before the body count rises to double figures.

While Sally is engrossed in the investigation, her ex-husband, Darryl, pays a surprise visit to her new home. His actions not only threaten Sally’s newfound confidence, but they also force the DCI to give Sally an ultimatum concerning the case. Can Sally overcome all the obstacles fate has placed in her path and arrest the brazen killer?
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction


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