Download Write for Your Life by Charles Wheelan (.MP3)

Write for Your Life: A Guide to Clear and Purposeful Writing (and Presentations) by Charles Wheelan
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 134 MB
Overview: The bestselling author’s practical guide to writing clearly and convincingly in every professional setting. Charles Wheelan has spent decades mastering effective communication skills in his work as a writer, college professor, journalist, speechwriter, political candidate, and public speaker. In Write for Your Life, he shares his best tips. He covers how to organize and present information, why it’s necessary to adapt one’s tone to different audiences, and when to use summaries, sidebars, bullet points, and other tools for making information more digestible. Write for Your Life is an essential guide for anyone needing to get their ideas across whether in a memo, report, presentation, fundraising letter, or speech.
Genre: Audiobooks > Non-Fiction


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