Download Wrestling Girls Short Stories Collection by Kayla Faber (.ePUB)

Wrestling Girls Short Stories Collection by Kayla Faber (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 549 KB
Overview: Milan(Italy)-based millennial with 3 obsessions: writing, women, and cats. I started writing fanfiction when I was 14 and since then I never stopped. If I stopped writing, my heart would stop, too.
Genre: Fiction > Romance FF

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Sucker Punch: Missing Scenes #1
Right after her very first training session, Liv is feeling a little overwhelmed by all the changes her life is going through so abruptly and isn’t sure she’s up to the job she’s been chosen for. Lea, so sweet and kind, happens to be just the right person to talk to.

Sucker Punch: Missing Scenes #2
The second short story is set shortly after Liv and Raisa’s ‘breakup’ in Chapter 23 of Pretty Devils. This is also my first time ever writing from Blair’s POV and it was so so interesting!

The request was: “Riz telling Blair how to look after Liv if she needed her. Or anything with cats.”

Sucker Punch: Missing Scenes #3
Liv drags Raisa to a Christmas fair and asks her to win something for her. Things don’t go exactly as planned.

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