Download Wrath of the Dragon Czar by James E. Wisher (.M4A)

Wrath of the Dragon Czar (The Aegis of Merlin #6) by James E. Wisher
Requirements: .M4A/.M4B reader, 155 MB
Overview: A bodyguard…really?

Sentinel City is quickly recovering from the events of the month earlier. Conryu Koda, the world’s only male wizard and, many would say, savior of the city, is enjoying the last few days of his summer vacation. His enjoyment comes to a screeching halt when he gets a call from Orin Kane, the chief of the city’s Department of Magic.

Conryu arrives at the Department and is introduced to the stunning Anya Kazakov. She has information the Department wants, and he’s the price. Conryu agrees to protect her, not realizing what he’s getting into.

Wrath of the Dragon Czar is a world-spanning adventure that’ll take Conryu from the relative safety of the academy to the middle of a war between monsters on the other side of the planet.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction


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