Popular Science Woodworking Projects, 1989 Yearbook by Nick Engler
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Overview: The Popular Science Woodworking Projects 1989 Yearbook includes patterns, photos and directions for woodworking projects:
Genre: Non-Fiction > General
Queen Anne Tables, Two New Safety Tools, Adirondack Settee, Puzzle Boxes, Bird Decoys, Hook & Ladder, Sewing Box, Country Carry-All, Weaver’s Chair, Maypole, Chimney Hutch, Purple Martin Birdhouse, Knock-down Tables, Computer Diskette File, Noah’s Ark, Portable Secretary, Arched Bench, Bachelor’s Chest, Storage Rack and Room Divider, Hidden Wire Audio Rack, Tilt-Top Occasional Table, Contemporary Canopy Bed, Lighted Display Cabinet. It also has articles explaining the following techniques: Resawing, Weaving Chair Seats, Duplication Carving and Drying your own lumber.
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