Download Women in Black by S.W. White (.ePUB)

Women in Black by S.W. White (Ninja Girl #2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 467 KB
Overview: What would you sacrifice for your destiny?

Sixteen-year-old ninja Ash and her mentor Elsbeth strike a blow that leaves Mr. Alexander and the INR reeling. To secure this victory, Elsbeth goes on a secret mission, leaving Ash alone in Seattle. Ash tries to avoid her old flame, Drake, but can’t keep him from her mind.

Ash meets Emma Greene, the most popular student in Magnolia High, and finds that they share a special bond. While Elsbeth is away, Greene dares Ash to bend the ancient rules and develop new powers. Challenged by Greene, Ash doubts her commitment to Elsbeth and the Cloak. If Ash abandons the mission of the ninjas, could she forge a relationship with Drake?

Ash and Drake reconnect so passionately that her old friend Mule lashes out in a jealous rage. Elsbeth returns and demands that Ash abandon Greene or give up being a ninja forever. And Mr. Alexander turns up the heat, executing a new plan that will finish the ninjas permanently.
Genre: Paranormal Romance


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