Download Wolfhounds Series by John Van Stry (.ePUB)

Wolfhounds Series (#1-3) by John Van Stry
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 1.1MB
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/antasy

Stand Alone: Wolfhounds – Book One
Chase had it all planned out, do a little time in one of the emperor’s jails, say a four year stretch for getting rid of some trash that no one would miss, and when he got out, the path to the leadership would be wide open. It wasn’t enough to be one of the gang’s rising stars, or better lieutenants, he needed jail time, serious jail time — not that juvie crap or just going to county, to garner the respect he needed and deserved.
Unfortunately his bastard of a father, the same one that left his mother to die in poverty and him to run wild on the streets took an interest. Seeing him sitting on the bench when his case went to court was a shock. But not as big a shock as being sentenced to ten years in the Imperial Navy.
That’s just the first of Chase’s nasty surprises as he finds himself among the Emperor’s Own – The Wolfhounds. How, and why, his bastard father sent him there is a secret that only the base AI knows the answer to. When that same AI decides to use Chase to fulfill its own orders, Chase soon finds himself in a situation where if he doesn’t die honorably in combat due to the enemy, his own side will arrange those circumstances for him.
Unfortunately for everyone involved, Chase is proving to be just as tough of a bastard as the man who sent him there.

Taking Ground: Wolfhounds – Book Two
With the Battle of Portlandia behind him, Chase is a hero now and the rank and file truly believes that he’s the prince the Command Team claims he is. For his part, Chase has made his choice and now he’s committed. As the face of the revolution he’s ‘in it to win it’ because anything else will lead to his death. The twenty-five million-credit bounty on his head will see to that.
The problem he faces now is convincing Fleet Captain Witner, and his Command Team to trust him, when Chase still doesn’t trust them enough to tell them who he truly is. Chase had been betrayed too many times in his past to come clean easily, and for all that he’s doing everything they ask of him, until the Captain and his team gives him a seat at the table, he’s not about to start trusting any of them.
So he’s content to let them continue believing he’s a fraud of their own creation to justify the search for a ‘real’ heir.
Still, he now has Claire on his side, and he can’t think of anyone else he’d rather have there. She’s as driven as he is, and at least as crazy. He’s never met a better fighter and probably never will. As a duchess she’s been teaching him valuable lessons about how to act and what to say. As a friend and lover, she’s giving him something that he never thought he’d have – a reason to win.

Force Majeure: Wolfhounds – Book Three
Chase is finally coming to understand just what being Prince Chase means, and what becoming emperor to the Solarian Empire will mean as well. He’s getting better at the job every day, now if only he could just bring himself to tell Captain Witner and the other members of the command staff that he really is a prince, and not the fraud they all believe he is.
Another thing he is starting to learn more about is Imperial politics and the kinds of things princes and emperors are known for, as well as expected to do. He’s also discovering that there are a lot of people who still believe he’s a fraud, because of Neill’s efforts at proclaiming him as such. Of course his criminal background isn’t helping him much there.
What is helping him however are some of the people he’s discovering, and some of the things he’s learning about his family from them. There are still a good many surprises in store for Chase. Hopefully none of those surprises will end up killing him.

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 24th May 2024. Thanks to GOD123)

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