Download Wolf Hunter by Jay Ellison (.ePUB)

Wolf Hunter by Jay Ellison (The Wolves of Wall Street Book 7)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 223 kb
Overview: When the moon rises, passions run wild…

Aidan Anghelescu must face the demons of his past in order to solve a string of violent and mysterious murders in New York City. As a Wolf Hunter, he’s been taught by his Romani people to never turn his back on the enemy. But when that enemy is the sexy and magnetic Faelan, former Prohibition gangster and alpha of the Rat Pack, a collection of bad-boy werewolves, Aidan finds himself questioning all his training. Faelan is ancient and dangerous, but is he capable of cold-blooded murder? And can Aidan resist his animal attraction to the king wolf?
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


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