Download Without a Trace by Greg Aunapu and Susan Billig (.ePUB)

Without a Trace: The Disappearance of Amy Billig – A Mother’s Search for Justice by Greg Aunapu and Susan Billig
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.1MB
Overview: On March 5, 1974 — the same day that rival motorcycle clubs roared through suburban Miami in celebration of their annual “Bike Week” — seventeen-year-old Amy Billig left home to meet a friend for lunch … and vanished. Several days later, Amy’s frantic mother, Susan Billig, received an anonymous phone call saying that her daughter had been carried off by one of the biker gangs. And so began Susan’s harrowing and extraordinary twenty-five-year search for her lost child — an odyssey that led a desperate parent into the seedy heart of a dangerous subculture built on drugs, rebellion, brutality, and sex; a relentless hunt for the truth that showed her the best side of humanity…and the very worst.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs > True Crime


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