Download Witch Hunt by Willow Reign (.MOBI)

Witch Hunt (Dark Wolves of Raven Oak #1) by Willow Reign
Requirements: .MOBI reader, 481 KB
Overview: My mom was a witch, dad was a wolf shifter. That must make me powerful, right?


I’m Coral, the down-and-out witch who has been discarded by the magical world just for being me. Wolf shifters are the outsiders, unwelcome in our world, and even a hint of wolf (not that mine ever surfaced), is enough to make you worthless. Destined for nothing more than a life of servitude to the elite witches and warlocks that rule these parts. And hybrids like me get even less – we are actively shunned.

For years now, I’ve had to fend for myself, a lone witch, against the evil warlocks who try to break me for sport and of course, there are the occasional wolf shifters who hunt me for my magic.

After being chased down and barely escaping with my life, I end up at the mercy of four mysterious strangers who offer me something no one ever has – protection. And their rebel hearts seem to be the very refuge that mine has been seeking.

All of them are wild wolf shifters and like me, each is fleeing from his own dark past.

But mine is perhaps the most dangerous and less of a past than a doomed future. In fact, it’s a ticking time bomb and when it catches up with me, it might tear their world apart too.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Paranormal


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