Download Winds of Vengeance by Jay Allan (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Winds of Vengeance (Crimson Worlds Refugees #4) by Jay Allan
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 1.0MB
Overview: Earth Two. A new home for the survivors of the fleet, the men and women who battled against seemingly insurmountable odds to survive the assault of the First Imperium and to destroy the homicidal Regent, the artificial intelligence committed to their destruction.

They have prospered in the years since their arrival, adapting the technology of the First Imperium to build a new and prosperous republic. But as the fear of the First Imperium recedes, cracks have begun to appear, conflicts looming that threaten to destroy all they have worked to achieve.

There are rivalries between the clones known as “Tanks” and the “NBs,” naturally-born humans, disputes driven by envy, resentment. And on the fringe of the new society, the enhanced genetic hybrids known as “Mules” are feared by both groups, though they continue to decipher First Imperium technology for the benefit of all.

But there is a far greater threat lurking in deep space, for the Regent was one of two, and its copy activated automatically upon its destruction. It has been planning, exploring, building vast fleets of new warships, and now it is ready to strike at a divided republic, to accomplish what the Regent failed to do. It is ruthlessly single-minded, existing for a single purpose. And that purpose is vengeance.
Genre: Fiction; Sci-fi/Fantasy


Author’s Note
The Refugees series was originally planned as a trilogy detailing the fight for survival and ultimate victory of the fleet trapped in deep space at the end of Crimson Worlds VI: To Hell’s Heart. The trilogy proved to be very popular, however, not just in terms of sales, but also in the many, many emails I received from readers, telling me how much they enjoyed the books. So, I decided that the story should go on. I didn’t want to just stretch out the series without adding a lot to the story, so I came up with the notion of combining a new First Imperium threat (hinted at in the epilogue to Revenge of the Ancients) with some fresh ground…namely, the struggles of a new society, growing and facing challenges as it appears the threat that had held them all together has receded.

I decided to add this author’s note when I finished the book and realized some of the storylines and plot devices have a passing resemblance to certain current political issues of today. That is entirely coincidental. I write my books as a storyteller first, and perhaps second, as a student of history. I am not an ideologue pounding on any drum (yours or the other guy’s). I felt it was necessary to preface the story with this commentary because I have written quite a few books, and I have seen firsthand how readily people jump in and assume every word is a political statement pulled right from today’s headlines…and I have the emails and the review comments to prove it. Winds of Vengeance is not that. Instead, it is my effort to explore some of the challenges society may face when technology advances and things like cloning and genetic engineering are possible…and perhaps even necessary. So, please read, and hopefully enjoy, in that context.

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