Download Willing by Eloise Harper (.ePUB)

Willing (A Wife To Share) by Eloise Harper
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 947 KB
Overview: The last thing Jay would ever want to do is disrespect his wife. He loves her. Every bit of her. From the top of her head to the soles of her feet. But when a deep-rooted but until now denied need to see his wife get it on with his friend finally becomes a reality, it would surely take a stronger willed man than him not to make the most of the way she appears so eager to please.

Her body given freely, both men expect more and more, and by the time they’re done, she’s little more than putty in their hands. Ever eager. More than willing to comply. A woman delighted to be shared. A woman desperate to be adored.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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