Download Wildfire Witch by Essie Suter (.ePUB)

Wildfire Witch (Enchanted Bargains #3) by Essie Suter
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 334 KB
Overview: Turns out, I may have messed up big time by using forbidden magic in public. Now the city’s bigwigs are scrambling to do damage control before you can even say “zombie apocalypse.”

And if that wasn’t enough, Simpson and his gang of bloodsuckers are still out there, ready to cause some serious trouble.

Meanwhile, my little found family is trying to heal from a major betrayal. Fabian’s burying himself in work as the Nexus District falls apart around us, Zeph and Dante are getting along about as well as a vampire hater and a vampire can, and Roscoe… well, something happened with him that left us all a bit shaken up.

The city’s elite just want to pretend the whole vampire fiasco never happened, but we know better. It’s up to us to take down these power-hungry vamps before they sink their fangs into anything else.

We’re in for one wild ride, and I’m not sure any of us will come out unscathed. But one thing’s for sure—we’re not going down without a fight.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Paranormal


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