Download Why Jews Do That by Avram Mlotek, Faby Rodriguez (.ePUB)

Why Jews Do That: Or 30 Questions Your Rabbi Never Answered by Avram Mlotek, Faby Rodriguez
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 54 MB
Overview: A Fun Take on “Judaism for Dummies” that Will Answer All Questions Wondered by the Goyim and Jewish People Alike!

When the subject of religion comes up, people often get very shy and are worried about offending. Now, if there was only a book that covered all the nooks and crannies of a religion, written in an easily digestible way…

Well, now there is! Written by Rabbi Avram Mlotek, Why Jews Do That is a terrific look into the Jewish religion, answering all the tough questions you’ve been afraid to ask. But this isn’t just for the Jews among us. Just because you’re Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or the like, doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy an inside look to find out if Jews believe in Jesus, what kosher really is, and how we keep our yarmulkes secured to our heads. So have no fear, as Jews are here to help!
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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