Download Whispered Wishes series by Karen Pokras (.ePUB)+

Whispered Wishes series by Karen Pokras
Requirements: epub/mobi Reader, 995kb
Overview: Karen Pokras Toz writes middle grade and adult contemporary fiction (as Karen Pokras). Her books have won several awards including two Readers’ Favorite Book Awards. Karen now lives outside of Philadelphia with her family.
Genre: Romance > Fiction

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02. Holly’s Wishes: Do you ever really forget your first kiss?
Holly Haines first met Ben Oakes when she was just sixteen years old. For Holly, it was love at first kiss—at least in her sixteen-year-old mind. Sadly though, Ben didn’t seem quite as interested.
When a chance meeting reunites them ten years later, Holly discovers he had feelings for her all along. However, not everything is as simple as it seems when she realizes they can’t be together. Is fate playing a cruel joke on them, or will Holly find a way to make all her wishes come true?

04. Woven Wishes: Through thick and thin, heels and flats, our secrets stay within. We’re not just friends, we’re sisters, too. Bound by blood until the end.

On the surface life seems pretty good for the three Haines sisters. So many wishes have already come true for Ava, Holly, and Tessa. However, things aren’t always as they appear. Dreams were given up over the years, while others still remain unfulfilled and out of reach.
And what about unexpected wishes? The ones nobody ever thought they’d have to hope for—the ones that will leave them shaken to the core, wondering what lies ahead. They’ve always been able to pull through thanks to the support they give each other, yet sometimes, even a sisterly bond isn’t enough.
Will Ava, Holly, and Tessa see their ultimate wishes finally come true?

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