Download Where A Goddess Belongs by Stephanie Julian (.ePUB)

Where A Goddess Belongs by Stephanie Julian (Forgotten Goddesses Book 4)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 161 KB
Overview: No escape, no fun, no sex… What’s a forgotten goddess to do?

It’s been three months since Kari, an Etruscan Goddess, was kidnapped and her two hot captors have yet to lay a hand on her. She hasn’t been playing hard to get. In fact, she’s made it clear she’d be more than happy to pass the time more…pleasurably. Yes, Den and Jacoby may work for the Malandante, but they’re not evil. They’re yummy.

Den would gladly give Kari everything and anything she wants. He wants to take her up on the offer in her teasing smile, but he needs something in return. His mother is dying and he needs Kari to help him get her to help…to the wolf shifters who would shoot Den and Jacoby on sight.

Jacoby also needs Kari’s help to get his sister Emelia away from his father. Emelia has been identified as a new goddess, Kari’s replacement, as a matter of fact. Jacoby will do whatever it takes to make sure his father can’t corrupt Emelia. If that means defecting to the shifters, no problem. Especially if that also means he can continue to see Kari.

But even the best-laid plans can go wrong…and when Kari, Jacoby and Den need to rescue Emelia, none of them expect the fight to cost more than they’re willing to pay.
Genre: Paranormal Romance


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