Download When the Winter Winds Blow by E.J. Darling (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

When the Winter Winds Blow by E.J. Darling
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 717 KB
Overview: When the winter winds blow, the bear should sleep. His meadows fill with snow, as the wolves begin to reap.

Lexie didn’t plan on being bait. She didn’t plan on being anything other than alone in her secluded mountain cabin for weeks. But that was before the wolves came. That was before she’d been hunted and lead to the arms of a stranger.

He is hope. He is safety. He is literally insane.

Declan knows there is no way back once you turn feral. The moment his bear grabs hold of him for good, he will cease to exist. He’s on the verge of madness, and the insane ramblings of his bear working against him at every turn will push him over the edge.

Dive into this cold winter tale. Navigate the thoughts of a half-mad bear, as Declan attempts to save his mind and body from madness, while also keeping Lexie alive through the harsh winter storm as the wolves descend and attempt to reap what is not theirs.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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