When the Light Goes On: The Life-Changing Wonder of Learning in an Age of Metrics, Screens, and Diminish ed Human Connection by Mike Rose
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 27 MB
Overview: The final work from one of the most beloved voices in American education explores stories and lessons of transformative experiences in education
For more than a generation, American education has been structured as though it was built of and for concepts, not people. This has transformed education into a vast assessment, scoring, and ranking enterprise; a sales platform for high-tech entrepreneurs; and a fiercely competitive arena of advantage and status that grinds the poor and propels the middle class into debt.
In When the Light Goes On, educator Mike Rose features the stories of people of all ages and backgrounds to illuminate how education has added meaning to their lives. The inspiring stories include:
-A supermarket checker whose job wore away his soul takes a remedial math class that starts him on a path to
architecture school
-A young man badly injured in a motorcycle accident finds both rehabilitation and a career in a welding…
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational
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