Download When Love Triumphs by A. Goswami (.ePUB)

When Love Triumphs: Going For The Win! (The Ice Queens Of Fairview High Book 2) by A. Goswami
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 886 kB
Overview: The thrilling sequel to “When She Thaws,” we return to the world of Natalie Hudson and Ashley Bergstrom, the indomitable cheerleader and sprinter duo of Fairview High. Fresh from the tumultuous events of the last few months, Natalie and Ashley now stand on the cusp of a new challenge – the nationals.

But their journey is far from just a race to the finish line. As they train together, fighting to keep their dreams alive, they also must navigate the intricate maze of their relationship, newly formed yet already tested by fire. The consequences of their past actions loom over them, threatening to unravel the delicate balance they’ve managed to strike.

In “When Love Triumphs,” love, ambition, and loyalty collide in a high-stakes drama that will test Natalie and Ashley in ways they never imagined. They must confront not just external pressures and rivals, but also the inner turmoil of their evolving bond. As they face down their demons and the ghosts of their past, they learn that the greatest challenge lies not on the track, but in the heart.
Genre: Fiction > Romance FF


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