When Hearts Collide by Max Hudson
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 528 KB
Overview: A high school reunion. A sudden accident. Secrets revealed.
Damon Fox didn’t expect much from his high school reunion. He assumed it would be boring, filled with pop music and overpriced drinks. He also anticipated a crowd of people that he didn’t quite care to see. And when his high school bully approaches, he assumes the worst. He expects it. And he prepares for it.
Taylor Blake was a football jock. He did what any teenager might have done with a terrible secret—he hid it away. For years, he stifled who he truly was until he finally made amends to the one man he knew would understand. To Damon—to his long-time crush.
However, amends can only take them so far. Can Damon trust this new relationship? Can he give himself over to Taylor, without reservations? How many secrets does Taylor dare keep? Will Taylor find it in his heart to tell his family the truth?
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM
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