Download What They Don’t Teach In School by Frank Dixon (.MP3)

What They Don’t Teach in School: 7 Vital Life Skills To Teach Your Kids About Hard Work, Negotiation, Health, Relationships And The Key To A Happy And Successful Life by Frank Dixon
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 106.1 MB
Overview: The Real Secrets to a Successful Life That School Will Never Teach Your Kids…

Are schools really setting your kids up for the ultimate life?

Think about it for a moment…

What are the keys to a good life?

Good relationships, good health, valuable skills, a positive mindset, hard work, perseverance… you name it.

How many of those crucially important life skills are taught in schools?

Not many, if any at all.

Which is why so many people end up suffering for much of their lives. They simply haven’t learned the crucial skills that will set you up for a happy and successful life…

It’s time for you, as a parent, to take matters into your own hands and teach your kids these skills
Genre: Audiobooks > Non-Fiction


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