Download What Maya Saw by Shabnam Minwalla (.ePUB)

What Maya Saw: A Tale of Shadows, Secrets, Clues by Shabnam Minwalla
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 3.5MB | Retail
Overview: Almost from the moment Maya steps into St Paul’s College, she is afraid. Everywhere she goes, she encounters questions and secrets. Not to mention the Shadows – a bunch of drop-dead gorgeous students who she realizes will do anything to keep their youth and beauty. Even kill. Maya wants no part in this sinister adventure. She would much rather be shopping for shoes, munching brownies and shedding her geeky image. But the teenager soon finds that she doesn’t have a choice. Only Maya can see the Shadows for what they really are. Only she can unravel the trail of clues laid long ago by a dead priest. Which is why both the forces of good and evil need her so badly. Unsure about whom she can trust and believe, Maya launches into a clue hunt across Mumbai – and in the process, learns about love, friendship and growing up.
Genre: Fiction | General Fiction/Classics


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