Download Werewolves of New York Box Set by Faleena Hopkins (.ePUB)

Werewolves of New York Box Set by Faleena Hopkins (#1-4)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 1.9 MB
Overview: Faleena Hopkins tells stories of love, redemption, or both. Not the most attentive of cooks, she tends to burn toast…and hard-boiled eggs. Yes, it can be done. They make a cool and startling CRACK when the water evaporates. Also an actress, screenwriter and director, she recently moved to Atlanta, GA to film fun stuff while enjoying the unpredictable weather that reminds her a lot of the men she attracts. Men who inspire some of these stories.
Genre: Paranormal Romance


In Downtown Manhattan four talented, hot-as-hell architects are more than they seem. The world doesn’t know werewolves really do exist, and that they travel in packs.
There is no Alpha with these sexy best friends, but there is a common goal: to take down evil whenever they find it…and to NEVER settle down.

Michelle Nero is a smart, savvy, curvy brunette…and a very loyal friend. So loyal she tucks her wasted best friend into bed after a dreaded birthday. "I can walk home," she decides in the middle of the night in the dark, deserted streets of Downtown Manhattan. Bad idea, Michelle. Bad idea.
Nathaniel Jacobs is cool, calm and hard to crack…until he follows a human female from a club and finds her attacked in an alley. No one must know werewolves are real, but his wolf takes the lead, and now Nathaniel can’t stop thinking about the woman. Can he trust her with his secret, the one he’s never told a human soul before?

A victim of abuse has fallen into Eli Jackson’s lap once again. He has to help her, but he never thought doing so would bring him again face to face with Rose, Michelle’s best friend. Their chemistry when they first met, was off the charts, but he’s made a pact with Darik to stay single. So why won’t his wolf listen when he says she’s off limits?
Rose Hendricks is a funny, All-American smart-ass attorney who doesn’t like to lose. In the courtroom, she rarely does. But in life? She lost her best friend to love. Another one bites the dust, as the single girls say. When another unanswered call goes to voicemail, she hightails it to Michelle’s apartment only to find Eli there, wearing only a blanket, telling her Chelle doesn’t live there anymore. Don’t hate the messenger they say, for a reason. But does he have to look so damned handsome, with those dimples charming her to stay a little longer?

Darik Greyson was born merely human. His ancestor’s DNA carries no wolf blood. Why did he turn at the young age of thirteen, on a night that changed the course of his life forever? And now…why does he feel a test is on the way…that if he doesn’t pass he’ll lose the woman whose face in his dreams is never more than a blur?
Talia Irizarry works the nightshift at Manhattan General. She’s a nurse, and a good one. But the men in New York seem to prefer eighteen-year-old actresses & models over REAL women, and she’s not holding her hopes high that this loneliness will ever abate. Seeking solace in a much needed vat of ice cream, she walks to the nearest bodega store and finds a gun pointed at her face. Where’s her hero now?

All three of his packmates have lost their hearts to women. Dontae will not suffer this fate. Women can’t be trusted. They lie. They cheat. They’re the devil in a dress aching to take down the male gender, crush him with their high heels, hot kisses, and empty promises.
He will not suffer this fate.
Not again.
Not after what Catherine did to him.
Catherine Zenith is about to marry the man she left Dontae for years ago. He’s solid. Her parents love him. She loves him. Sort of. So why is the phone in her hands, and why are her shaking fingers dialing Dontae’s number?

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