Download Warrior’s Deception Series by Diana Hall (.ePUB)

Warrior’s Deception Series by Diana Hall (1-2)
Requirements: epub reader; Size: 720 KB
Overview: DIANA HALL – "If experience feeds a writer’s soul, then I must be stuffed.

I’ve worked as a pickle packer, a ticket taker at a drive-in movie, a waitress, a bartender, a factory worker, a truck driver cementing oil wells in south Texas, a geological technician with oil companies, a teacher, a part-time ecological travel agent and now an author. The only job I’ve kept longer than five years is wife and mother.

A geographical accident, I was meant to live in the South. After high school I left rural Ohio and attended college in Mobile, Alabama. There I fell in love with balmy nights and the beaches of the Gulf. I now live in a suburb of Houston, Texas, with my understanding husband, a beautiful daughter, a sedate, overweight collie and a hyperactive dalmatian."
Genre: Historical Romance


1. Warrior’s Deception
Love Had No Place In The Life Of. Roen De Galliard, Knight Of Normandy

For the past had taught him well the perfidy of women, and the beauteous Lady Lenora was likely no different. But now duty called for him to ferret out a traitor–by surrendering his very heart and soul!

Fate had bound the free-spirited Lenora in marriage to Sir Roen, and though the valorous knight believed not in love, he had stormed the walls of her resistance… and set her passion free!

2. Angel of the Knight
‘Twas a hellish match – What else could Falke de Chretian call it when he was unwillingly betrothed to a woman of few attractions and many secrets? But the Lady Gwendolyn hid a golden self beneath a drab exterior, and his heart was soon divided ‘twixt her and a nameless night angel – a woman both mysterious…and strangely familiar. Though dismissed as the homely ‘Lady Wren,’ Gwendolyn was the true guardian spirit of her rightful lands, ministering to the sick and helping the needy. Yet her soul slumbered in silent loneliness, until awakened by the earthly charms of devilish Falke de Chretian.

Download Instructions:
1. Warrior’s Deception

2. Angel of the Knight

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