Warchild series by Ernie Lindsey (Books #2-3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 415 kB
Overview: Ernie Lindsey grew up in the Appalachian Mountains of southwest Virginia, working on the family farm and reading, and has spent his life telling stories to anyone that will listen. He currently works as a freelance writer and is the author of five Mystery & Suspense novels and numerous short stories. When he’s not writing, you can find him tackling the gigantic To Be Read list on his Kindle or the never-ending stack of books in his office. Ernie and his family live in Oregon, along with a multi-fingered Hemingway cat named Luna.
Genre: Science Fiction
Judas (Warchild, #2)
Hope alone can not win the war.
Caroline Mathers, Forward Scout of the People’s Republic of Virginia, leads her people to safety after a harrowing escape through the Appalachian Mountains. But, the security of their capitol city won’t last for long…maybe even less than a night. Old friends are left behind, while inside the walls, new alliances are formed and trust betrayed.
Empowered by the strength of a massive army, their northern enemies suffocate the city outside the walls, preparing to take control of what they believe is rightfully theirs: citizen slaves.
With the help of her fellow Kinder, Finn, and an ill-equipped group of volunteer soldiers, Caroline must defend her city to the last breath or watch her people marched away in chains.
Spirit (Warchild, #3)
For the citizens of the People’s Republic of Virginia, their last hope of freedom has faded with their spirits. The eternal rains continue to fall. Tired, hungry, and soaked to fragile bones, there’s nothing left to do but march toward the only fate they have left: a life in slavery.
But not if Caroline can help it. She’s out of options, but giving up was never one of them.
Facing overwhelming new challenges and old enemies, Caroline soon learns that even when the bullets stop flying, the war is never over.
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