Download Walking Wind by Kimbra Swain (.ePUB)

Walking Wind by Kimbra Swain (Magic City Blues 0.5)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 434 kb
Overview: Before arriving in Birmingham, Alabama, Jaehyun, traveled across the world for centuries. As the Lord of Wind, he arrived in Gojoseon, now known as Korea, to establish and help the humans of the land with the son of the heavens, Hwanung, and three other Lords.

As time passed, his relationship with Hwanung became strained. Eventually, he was cursed and expelled from the kingdom.

He’s traveled the world hoping to make amends and finally pass on to the next existence. His journey leads him to Killian Hart. Is helping Killian his final task to redeem his place in the heavens? Can he clear his name? Or is Jaehyun destined to wander the earth forever?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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