Download Walker Papers series by C.E. Murphy (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

Walker Papers series by C.E. Murphy (Books #1 ~ #5)
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Overview: C.E. Murphy is a writer of fantasy novels and short stories. She also writes "action-adventure romance" novels under the pseudonym Cate Dermody, which was her grandmother’s maiden name.
Genre: Fiction, Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Urban Shaman (Walker Papers #1)
Seattle cop, Joanne Walker, returns from vacation to have her life turned upside down. She is pursued by a Celtic God, and forced to acknowledge an aspect of the universe she’s never seen before. Even if she survives, she will forever be changed by this adventure.

Thunderbird Falls (Walker Papers #2)
The sequel to 2005’s Urban Shaman pits beat cop and reluctant shaman Joanne Walker (real name Siobhan Walkingstick) against her deadliest foe yet: an ancient serpentine spirit bent on crossing over into modern-day Seattle — not to order an iced mocha latte from Starbucks but to take over the world!
Just a few months after meeting the Native American trickster god Coyote and grudgingly agreeing to become a shaman — it was either that or death! — Walker is still coming to grips with her paranormal abilities. But when she discovers the body of a dead woman in a University of Washington shower room, she’s thrust into a potentially apocalyptic adventure that revolves around a good-hearted coven trying to raise a seemingly benevolent spirit from the netherworld. But as the rituals intensify, Walker realizes that the 3,000-year-old entity isn’t exactly on a mission of peace.

Coyote Dreams (Walker Papers #3)
Much of the city can’t wake up. And more are dozing off each day. Instead of powerful forces storming Seattle, a more insidious invasion is happening. Most of Joanne Walker’s fellow cops are down with the blue flu–or rather the blue sleep. Yet there’s no physical cause anyone can point to–and it keeps spreading.
It has to be magical, Joanne figures. But what’s up with the crazy dreams that hit her every time she closes her eyes? Are they being sent by Coyote, her still-missing spirit guide? The messages just aren’t clear.
Somehow Joanne has to wake up her sleeping friends while protecting those still awake, figure out her inner-spirit dream life and, yeah, come to terms with these "other" dreams she’s having about her boss….

Walking Dead (Walker Papers #4)
For once, Joanne Walker’s not out to save the world. She’s come to terms with the host of shamanic powers she’s been given, her job as a police detective has been relatively calm, and she’s got a love life for the first time in memory. Not bad for a woman who started out the year mostly dead.
But it’s Halloween, and the undead have just crashed Joanne’s party.
Now, with her mentor Coyote still missing, she has to figure out how to break the spell that has let the ghosts, zombies and even the Wild Hunt come back. Unfortunately, there’s no shamanic handbook explaining how to deal with the walking dead. And if they have anything to say about it – which they do – no one’s getting out of there alive.

Demon Hunts (Walker Papers #5)
Seattle police detective Joanne Walker started the year mostly dead, and she’s ending it trying not to be consumed by evil. Literally.
She’s proven she can handle the gods and the walking dead. But a cannibalistic serial killer? That’s more than even she bargained for. What’s worse, the brutal demon can only be tracked one way. If Joanne is to stop its campaign of terror, she’ll have to hunt it where it lives: the Lower World, a shamanistic plane of magic and spirits.
Trouble is, Joanne’s skills are no match for the dangers she’s about to face – and her on-the-job training could prove fatal to the people she’s sworn to protect…

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