Download Void Oath by Seth Sheffield (.ePUB)

Void Oath by Seth Sheffield (Sins of Magic #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 385 KB
Overview: Every four years, the dragons demand a maiden sacrifice. But this time, the voluntary victim is male.

As a young man, Syrin has always been safe from the dragon’s violent whims. The terrifying monsters only steal girls and Syrin was lucky to be born male. But when the village’s chosen sacrifice is found dead and the role is forced on her transgender twin brother, Syrin refuses to let the injustice go. He takes his friend’s place on the sacrificial altar, dooming himself to death—or worse.

But the truth of the dragons’ abductions is more complicated than Syrin imagined. After narrowly avoiding death from his captors for being the wrong gender, he is given one chance to participate in their ritual.

And for the first time ever, it succeeds—but at a great cost. The dragons’ ritual has forced an evil upon Syrin against his will: the sin of magic.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror | LGBT


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