Download Vespertine Dreams by Aster Rye (.ePUB)

Vespertine Dreams by Aster Rye
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 275 kB
Overview: Love of great books brought them together, but will it be enough to keep sinister plots from tearing them apart?

Thanks to Miles Oak, Doria James has a newfound love for fantasy romance and lush dark fairytales. She just never imagined she would become a player in such a story herself. But when Doria is cut off from Vespertine Books, and is forced to go weeks without seeing the alluring shopkeeper, she wonders if her storybook romance is doomed to end without a happily ever after.

With the help of her friends, Doria vows to do everything in her power to break the curse holding Miles hostage. Soon she learns the true power of good stories and their unyielding ability to bring people together.

Complete with new fantasy romance short stories, Vespertine Dreams returns to the world of Bittersweet Breadcrumbs—a tale that captivated hearts and had readers begging for more.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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