Download Vendetta for the Saint by Leslie Charteris (.MP3)

Vendetta for the Saint by Leslie Charteris (Book 37 in the Saint (Simon Templar) series)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 230 mb
Overview: Relaxing at a sumptuous mid-day meal in Naples, Simon Templar, alias the Saint, was understandably annoyed when a brawl interrupted his Lobster alla Vesuvio, a tweedy English tourist has casually addressed an Italian as Dino Cartelli – provoking the paunchy individual so named to set his hulking henchman on the bewildered little Briton, after forcibly returning the two combatants to their respective corners, the Saint returned to the marvels of his Neopolitan cuisine and dismissed the matter from his mind, when the following morning’s headlines screamed at him TURISTA INGLESE TROVATO ASSASSINATO, the Saint pledged himself to a strangely impersonal vendetta which took him to Sicily, a land particularly suited to that ancient, bloody custom, from then on, except for an interlude with a luscious Italian pasta name Gina, it was all-out, heel-stomping war, with the Robin Hood of Modern Crime pitted against the arch-evil, centuries-old traditions of the Mafia.
Genre: – > Thriller


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