Download Vampires of Vadin Series by Shelby Rhodes (.ePUB)

Vampires of Vadin Series by Shelby Rhodes (Books #1-2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 580 kB
Overview: Books have always been a big part of my life. Unfortunately, growing up writing had been a constant struggle for me. So even when my head was filled with stories and characters I never tried to write them down.
It took two degrees in painting to finally gain the confidence to explore writing as a creative outlet. I know, it’s a bit odd to get two degrees in painting and decided to take up writing. But that’s what I did.
I found writing to be a way for me to dive into new adventures and explore new worlds. I now fully intend to explore everything that has been stuck in my head for years. I can only hope that some of you will come with me on my adventure.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Paranormal MM


Adrian’s Bodyguard (Vampires of Vadin #1)
Vampire King Adrian Bloodhart has faced many challenges in the thousands of years he’s been reigning. However, he had thought he’d moved past the stage of his life that was littered with assassination attempts. And, as if the attacks weren’t irritating enough, he finds himself saddled with a personal bodyguard he doesn’t feel he needs or even wants.
When Xavier Dayden had agreed to guard King Adrian, he had expected to be guarding a mature adult, but what he got was a petulant child. Adrian is odd as hell and too sexy for Xavier’s peace of mind. When Xavier finds his control slipping, he’s conflicted. Giving in could lead to so much more than a one night stand, but was it worth the possible heartbreak?
The choice is made when tragedy strikes where it is least expected and, as Adrian’s walls crack and fall, Xavier is there to pick up the pieces. Through the heartache, love is finally in their grasps.

Stephan’s Monster (Vampires of Vadin #2)
Jayden knows he’s a monster. The people he killed were horrible, but it didn’t change what he was. And being taken in by Stephan Everwood at fifteen hadn’t changed his homicidal tendencies. Yet ten years later he finds himself struggling to be someone he’s not. Then, despite thinking he lost most of his emotions years ago, Jayden discovers that not only is he not as empty inside as he thought, but that his monster is more present than ever before.
Stephan freely admits he has some issues. His self-doubts could be unrelenting and Stephan’s need to fix things tended to go too far. It blinded him to Jayden’s struggles. In the end his refusal to listen to what Jayden was trying to tell him has unfortunate results. When Stephan finally accepts who Jayden is, he must also face all that he had locked away inside.
Their difficulties brought them together. Their love healed them. And when the past tries to tear them apart, their darkness saved them.

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