Download Vampires in the Lemon Grove: Stories by Karen Russell (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

Vampires in the Lemon Grove: Stories by Karen Russell
Requirements: ePUB/MOBI reader, 557kb
Overview: Within these pages, a community of girls held captive in a Japanese silk factory slowly transmute into human silkworms and plot revolution; a group of boys stumble upon a mutilated scarecrow that bears an uncanny resemblance to a missing classmate that they used to torment; a family’s disastrous quest for land in the American West has grave consequences; and in the marvelous title story, two vampires in a sun-drenched lemon grove try to slake their thirst for blood and come to terms with their immortal relationship.

Vampires in the lemon grove —
Reeling for the Empire —
Seagull army descends on Strong Beach, 1979 —
Proving up —
Barn at the end of our term —
Dougbert Shackleton’s rules for Antarctic tailgating —
New veterans —
Graveless doll of Eric Mutis
Genre: Fiction | Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror


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