Download Vamcult by Angelina Castaneda (.ePUB)+

Vamcult (Vamcult Trilogy Book 1) by Angelina Castaneda
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.1MB | Retail
Overview: Sky Contour was just like any normal teenage girl, who is forced to enroll in a high school on a mysterious island. There, she meets strangely beautiful people with an even stranger way of living. When she meets Fulk Sayles, son to the Duke of Vamcult, so many unimaginable things start to unfold.

She soon discovers that she is the only human being among them. Mysteries and lies start to unravel as she becomes the center of it all. Fulk has a hidden past, with a hidden secret, that he desperately tries to hide, even from his own kind. Evil villains are out to take Sky for their own purposes, they just can’t figure out what that purpose is or why the Duke, Fulk’s father, is highly enforcing to keep her protected.
Genre: Fiction > Romance | Sci-Fi / Fantasy


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