Download Untold Tales from the Mahabharata by Uday Shankar (.ePUB)

Untold Tales from the Mahabharata: The Epic Beyond the Obvious by Uday Shankar
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 485 KB
Overview: An epic that never dies and still remains relevant even thousands of years later-Vyasa’s Mahabharata has always captured our imagination. The saga of two feuding families, the Mahabharata, with its various twists and turns, has been a compelling read across generations, inspiring many to dig deeper into the great poem. This collection of twenty short stories brings out characters and incidents that are largely unheard of and are buried in the vastness of the epic. Capturing every emotion from valour, lust, loyalty and treachery to goodness and ethics so relevant to the world we live in, these stories help us understand the epic better by bringing out a different dimension altogether.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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