Download Unlucky series by Lexy Timms (.ePUB)+

Unlucky series by Lexy Timms (#1-2)
Requirements: ePUB/AZW3 Reader, 2.7 MB | 1.4 MB | Version: Retail
Overview: Dealing in Antique Jewelry and hanging out with her awesome hubby and three kids, Lexy Timms loves writing in her free time.
Genre: Romance

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Unlucky in Love (#1): LUKE McCONNELL is neck-deep in conspiracy. With a job to do, the last thing he needs is to get mixed up with the boss’ daughter—especially when that boss appears to be a front for the Bianchi crime family. DANIELLE LEONID has no idea what her family is up to—at least it seems that way at first glance. But the beautiful blonde has a blind spot a mile wide where her brother’s concerned, and will do anything to protect him. Her father, on the other hand, she hates with a passion. A rich little spoiled brat has no business getting in the way of his investigation. But when sparks fly between the two, Luke sees an opportunity to get close to the family—and to find the proof he needs to shut down their whole operation. The problem is there’s no contingency in place for losing his heart. The beautiful blonde turns out to be everything he’s dreamed of. But she’s got secrets of her own. Suddenly he’s caught in a conflict—do the job and destroy everything Danielle believes in…or walk away and let the criminals run free.

UnWanted Passion (#2): LUKE McCONNELL’s in way over his head. His job, his FBI career, his own life, mean nothing if Dani gets hurt. The woman can be the most pig-headed, stubborn person he’d ever met. And now he must marry her—to save her, and his own a$$.Held against their will, Luke and Dani are being used as bait to bring Dani’s father out of hiding, but not by the police. Mafia front man and Dani’s uncle, Benny, is willing to do whatever it takes to get his money. Suddenly the game of love has turned serious. Can the two of them get out this alive? Will they kill each other in the process?

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