Download Unleashed by Scott Medbury (.MOBI)

Unleashed by Scott Medbury (Rabid States #1)
Requirements: .MOBI reader, 323 KB
Overview: In a world plunged into chaos, this was the apocalypse no one saw coming…

Ed Crowley, a US Army captain is haunted by a tragedy, one that’s made him wary of man’s best friend. He’s about to have 100 million more reasons to be wary of them.

A sinister mutation of the rabies virus has begun its relentless march through the world’s dog population. In a nation already home to over 90 million domestic dogs, with countless more roaming wild and feral, Rabies 2.0 is poised to unleash a living nightmare.

These infected creatures aren’t just rabid; they’ve morphed into grotesque, ravenous giants, and Captain Crowley is thrust into a mission to rescue trapped civilians in a besieged town. For him, it’s just another day in the line of duty; after all, in his world, bullets settle disputes, and these adversaries don’t have weapons. Little does he realize that he’s about to confront a foe more cunning and merciless than any armed, two-legged enemy he ever faced.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy Post-Apocalyptic, Thriller


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