Download Unfamiliar Territory by R. Lindsay Carter (.ePUB)

Unfamiliar Territory (The Familiar’s Legacy Book 1) by R. Lindsay Carter
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.5MB | Retail
Overview: Cressida Curtain has a business to run. She spends her time catching bad guys and turning them in for bounties. After all, she’s a natural born hunter.

She also isn’t exactly human. That’s her secret to keep, because her very existence is the only thing holding a great evil at bay. It’s a legacy that’s been passed down through the generations, and Cressida is the latest in line.

But she’s not going to let a little thing like the fate of the world get in her way.

Life as a bounty hunter is never dull. And hers is about to get a lot more interesting.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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