Download Underwater Eden by Gregory S. Stone (.PDF)

Underwater Eden: Saving the Last Coral Wilderness on Earth by Gregory S. Stone, David Obura (Editors)
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Overview: It was the first time I d seen what the ocean may have looked like thousands of years ago. That s conservation scientist Gregory S. Stone talking about his initial dive among the corals and sea life surrounding the Phoenix Islands in the South Pacific. Worldwide, the oceans are suffering. Corals are dying off at an alarming rate, victims of ocean warming and acidification and their loss threatens more than 25 percent of all fish species, who depend on the food and shelter found in coral habitats. Yet in the waters off the Phoenix Islands, the corals were healthy, the fish populations pristine and abundant and Stone and his companion on the dive, coral expert David Obura, determined that they were going to try their best to keep it that way.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Science


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