Download Unconditional by Chris Pourteau (.ePUB)

Unconditional: A Tale of the Zombie Apocalypse by Chris Pourteau
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 154 kb
Overview: The Walking Dead meets The Incredible Journey in this thrilling short story of trial and tragedy. The peaceful cool of a fall day is shattered when the Storm of Teeth consumes the world. A little closer to home, a dog watches, terrified, as his human family battles a herd of walking corpses. Forced to leave their pet behind, the family flees for their lives. The dog begins his odyssey through the zombie apocalypse to find them. But what will he find? Experience this dark adventure from the perspective of man’s best friend as he strives to reunite with the boy he loves more than life itself.
Genre: Science Fiction > Post-Apocalyptic


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