Download Unbroken by Love by Stephanie Vercier (.ePUB)

Unbroken by Love (The Basin Lake Series Book 4) by Stephanie Vercier
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 321 KB
Overview: Before being a college and pro football star, Garrett Hevener found himself at the losing end of a love triangle, one in which he’d also lost his two best friends, Paige and Evan.

Seven years later, after too many women and too much homesickness, he returns to the small town he’s always loved in hopes of putting down roots and meeting someone truly special. But when he comes across a woman he at first thinks is Paige, he’s taken aback when he realizes she is in fact her now grown up younger sister, Kate. His attraction to her is immediate, but does it hinge on her likeness to Paige or something more?

When she was fifteen, Kate Kessel found out she’d never be able to have children. The cloud of resentment and depression that followed has never left, even after two years away from Basin Lake where she’d hoped to find a way out of her inner turmoil.

Now back home and hoping to start anew, she runs into Garrett. The huge crush she’d had on him as a kid has dwindled down to almost nothing, and yet a small spark reignites at their meeting. But even as Kate begins to sense Garrett might like her as the woman she’s grown into, she can’t imagine he’ll feel the same once he learns how broken she is.

As Garrett and Kate both try to build new lives for themselves, will their pasts keep them from building something together? Or can they move beyond all of the hurt and truly find one another?
Genre: Romance


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