Download Unbreakable by Laken Cane (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Unbreakable by Laken Cane (Waifwater Chronicles #1)
Requirements: EPUB/MOBI Reader, 595 Kb
Overview: Cursed as a child by a powerful and vindictive woman, Abby Cameron has grown into a rather reclusive witch with a hideous face and a big heart.
Her life is predictable and unexciting until a young wolf comes calling, desperate for help. When the local alpha shows up angry and accusing, she realizes she has made a terrible mistake. And no matter what, she must fix it before the alpha, the pack, and the town are destroyed.
But that isn’t the only mistake Abby will make when it comes to Eli Dean.
As she gets to know him, Abby’s feelings for him begin to change, and she soon finds herself in unfamiliar, heartbreaking territory.
When he’s injured and death walks a little too close to all of them, she’s willing to risk everything to heal him.
But will she be able to get past the soul crushing fear and risk herself for love?
Genre: Paranormal Romance


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