Download Unbelievable Mr. Brownstone Series by Michael Anderle(.ePUB)

The Unbelievable Mr. Brownstone Series by Michael Anderle (1-22)
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Overview: Michael Anderle (ok, weird talking about myself in the 3rd person) (1967-Hopefully a long time from NOW) was born in Houston, Tx. A very curious child, he got into trouble – a lot. What to do with an inquisitive mind when he was grounded? Read!
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

#1 – Feared By Hell
You never mess with a young girl around James Brownstone.
It doesn’t matter what crime syndicate you belong to, that just doesn’t sit well with him.
The world has changed since the news of Oriceran came out twenty years before. Now, countries all over the world have agreed to using a bounty system for dangerous criminals using advanced magic or advanced technology.
People too powerful for the cops to deal with.
Magical criminals, thugs and bounty hunters, in the future we revert to what worked in the past.
if you find out you are hunted by Brownstone, we suggest you turn yourself in.
It will save you a monumental ass-kicking.
Brownstone likes his life simple, but Life is about to throw him a wicked curveball.

#2 – Rejected By Heaven
Brownstone now has a young lady to support, what is he going to do?
He requests a special Oriceran artifact the Professor is willing to trade, for a price.
Shay is willing to help, so long as everyone understands her help is not free. Brownstone will do whatever it takes to help Allison, and while he is at it? The orphanage that helped him is insolvent.
Time to get tricky when the church can’t accept funds from blood projects.
Magical criminals, thugs and bounty hunters, it’s time Brownstone works on the simple life again.
if you decide Brownstone is your ticket to godhood, you had best hope you don’t threaten his family.
Because that is a career limiting move. Self proclaimed god or not.

#3 – Eye For An Eye
The Harriken have decided James Brownstone needs to die.
So, they put out a hit on him valued at $500,000.
Shay is working her way back to California from a raid on artifacts in Asia, but she could be too late to help. With all of Los Angeles and Southern California’s hitmen trying to take out Brownstone, even the cops are sitting this one out.
Until they don’t
Magical criminals, thugs and bounty hunters, it is a cage match that LA isn’t large enough to contain when Brownstone goes hard.
if you decide to hunt James Brownstone, we suggest you purchase life insurance.
It will provide those who live beyond your shorter-expected-lifespan the money for a nice casket

#4 – Bring The Pain
The Harriken have decided James Brownstone is an unacceptable dishonor to their clan.
This time, Grandfather has hired the best assassins in the business and Shay knows them.
Shay won’t allow Brownstone to go to Japan without backup.
Her backup.
Brownstone needs to decide what he will do with the wish, and how much is he going to tell Allison?
The Harriken may have paid the piper, but James Brownstone is calling the dance.
While this is happening, Tyler has made an unexpected alliance with the law.
Brownstone likes his life simple, but when the Harriken fail to call off the vendetta, Brownstone is willing to admit it will be either them, or him.

#5 – She Is The Widow Maker
The dark elves have come back to Earth.
They want to find the half-Drow named Alison, and to get to Alison, they need to find James Brownstone.
The Oriceran Consul doesn’t want the Drow to mess up the fragile relationship between Oriceran and Earth.
But he can only warn the obstinate Drow so many times.
The professor needs a package picked up in Washington State and returned safely to him. He figures Brownstone is the man to do it.
And he wants Shay to do him a favor, with a few zeros attached to the end of the request.
With a Drow assassin trying to find James and the LAPD AET trying to find Shay, eventually someone is going to find the right people at the wrong time and there will be hell to pay.

#6 – When Angels Cry
All James wanted was to get some barbeque in Vegas.
The Red-Eyes Killer decided to start his spree at the wrong time in the wrong town with the wrong little girl.
Trey comes to Vegas in search of a relative he hasn’t seen in seven years.
Could the City of Sin be bringing together some good out of tragedy?
Las Vegas PD isn’t prepared to fight high-level bounties like Los Angeles could.
Speaking of Los Angeles, Lieutenant Hall is doing something a bit shady to protect her men.
Is she becoming that which she loathes?
In James Brownstone’s world, there is never a normal day.

#7 – Fight Fire With Fire
In order to locate the princess means they need to find and deal with Brownstone.
They will have to go through him first.
Brownstone is pulling his company together, working on his relationship, and dealing with bounties. Additionally, James needs to pay up with the Professor. He owes him a few filthy rhymes.
The AET boss has learned a lesson, and asks Brownstone to come in for a talk.
Will they fight each other, or will the Drow get a chance to kill them all?
Brownstone won’t back down.
It’s time to pay the price for saving a young girl, and James Brownstone never thinks twice.

#8 – Hail To The King
Men Will Be Men. Unfortunately, the women are in no position to stop nature’s course.
Tyler has figured out an additional way to make money off Brownstone. But Brownstone has to agree, first.
Brownstone gets a request from his hacker support after doing a job for the Professor. It seems she might have upset someone close to home. Will Tyler piss off Brownstone and end the bar’s neutrality, or has the Professor found someone with enough magic to take Brownstone out and asked for a favor?
Either way, James is walking into the job with his eyes open. In the end, bounty hunting is a job, and Brownstone was working it before he met Shay or Alison. Sometimes you can’t change who a man is supposed to be.

#9 – Alison Brownstone
Alison is back to share summer with James.
The problem is that James’ lawyer says that they are going to fight his effort to adopt her.
Unfortunately for the government, James’ friends have his back.
The Drow Queen makes an unexpected appearance, fighting James in the courtroom.
If James is able to adopt Alison, will he leave everyone else alone?
For Alison, she thought this was going to be an easy summer, but she had no idea what James wanted her to learn. Once she does, will she still want James as her father?

#10 – One Bad Decision
Shay goes to a museum and consults with the AET. Then, she doesn’t come home on time.
Brownstone goes on a rampage when he learns what happens.
Using his contacts, Brownstone gets Tyler involved when he learns that Lt. Hall is in trouble.
The criminals are powerful, and clever.
It seems the hit on the Los Angeles Museum was planned far in advance.
Well, planned or not, if you come into Brownstone’s area and kidnap his woman, you have a problem.
And that is just Shay. That doesn’t include when James gets involved.
The Professor is concerned that the heist is bigger than anyone realizes. Now he is hoping Brownstone and the missing Shay can help him recover the artifacts.

#11 – Fatal Mistake
The government is trying to take down the Council…
But they get their asses handed to them.
One of the senators wanted to play hardball from the beginning but got outvoted.
Now, the head of the task force is killed.
Will they wise up and swallow their pride to get the best?
Lt. Hall is working more closely with Shay, and admits that the kidnapping and fights and losing a man has made it hard to sleep.
Will she be able to get revenge and close the gate to the fear that is creeping into her life?
Brownstone isn’t going to play by anyone’s rules, so he waits patiently while his team works on their barbeque skills. Will the government ask Brownstone to go to war for them? Will he, after what they did to Alison?

#12 – Karma Is A Bitch
The Council Is Dead. Long Live the New Council.
How do you have a Council of one?
Brownstone is working to get back into a rhythm, but the last remaining Council member is seeking Brownstone.
Shay has jobs to do, but can she leave Brownstone alone without him dying?
Can Lt. Hall go back to the AET after delivering a personal beat-down without doing paperwork?
James runs across a dog (almost literally), but it disappears on him. Can he find it again, or was it just an Oriceran trick?
Brownstone has the whispers of Doom in his head all the time. Can he ignore the desire to lose his mind to the power the amulet contains? When everyone has blood on their hands, who will Karma decide is going to die?
Because we all know, Karma can be a Bitch.

13. Vax Humana
James was raised by some good men. What would have happened if twisted cultists like the Brotherhood had found him instead of Fathers McCartney and Thomas? It’s time to find out more about the Unbelievable Mr. Brownstone.
James isn’t from Earth or Oriceran. Where he is from has been a question for years. Will we find out now, or will those who seek to kill what James can become win in the end?

14. One Epic Ring
“But you haven’t taken brain damage. I don’t want to have to take the time to get to know you again. The first time was exhausting enough…”
Brownstone accepts a simple job and pi**es off the most dangerous criminal in LA.
Shay is approached by a powerful billionaire, one who knows her past. Now, Brownstone is ready to provide a beat down, but Shay is asking him for help. Does he stay in LA or fly (something he doesn’t like to do) to Cambodia?

15. Spontaneous Justice
There is nothing to fear but the Vax Forerunner himself. Or is that something only aliens fear?
Brownstone is at to a fever pitch to understand Shay and create something epic, so he makes a decision to ask someone hundreds of years old. The fight of his life and for his life is about to occur. Will he have a future when all is said and done?

16. Shadow of the Ring
James achieved something epic with his proposal. Now it is Shay’s turn.
In planning the wedding, the tomb raider soon finds she sympathizes with what James had to go through. How does someone top something so special? The world’s mightiest class-six bounty hunter believes he’s conquered his amulet. The symbiont’s dark whispers no longer push him out of control, but a new enemy has decided LA should be his stomping grounds and threatens to break through James’ hard-earned discipline.

17. The Horsemen Gather
Barbecue is life. Everything else is just details.
With his life settling into a comfortable routine and the criminals of Los Angeles finally accepting his power, James ponders a future of family and food rather than kicking bounties through walls. Can a bounty hunter be happy as a pitmaster? James’ idle thoughts of retirement are put on hold when a rogue group of government agents decides to go after the man they feel is the greatest threat to the country.

18. War of the Four Worlds
The government and the underworld have finally learned their lesson about not taking on James Brownstone, but some enemies will never learn. Some enemies can only be destroyed.
James and Shay’s wedding is fast approaching, as is the bounty hunter’s semi-retirement. He’s ready to replace butt-kicking with barbecue, convinced he can have a life filled with something other than constant violence. Do the sins of a world weigh on a single man?

19. Road Trip: BBQ and a Brawl:
Barbecue is life. Everything else is just details…AGAIN!
Things are going a little too well for Brownstone as he sticks around the house, and Shay is getting agitated.
Can a bounty hunter be happy when he has nothing to do?
James goes on a road trip expecting to just eat some barbeque. Unfortunately, trouble is waiting when he arrives.
The bounty hunter likes to keep things simple, but those who are working to beat up the Oriceran BBQ pitmaster’s new place didn’t account for him arriving.
Will those attacking give up? Is stupid contagious?
Instead of a simple BBQ road trip, now he is embroiled in helping a fellow BBQ lover he followed on TV as he helps bring the BROWNSTONE BEAT DOWN.

20. BBQ Delivered with Attitude:
Can’t a man just enjoy a bit of BBQ without getting into a fight?
Apparently not.
One day, James comes home and finds his pregnant wife with drawn gun, a ready knife, and an unknown assailant in their living room.
The problem is, the person in the living room is hoping the Granite Ghost will help her retrieve some valuable cargo that has gotten…lost.
Now, James has to decide if he will allow an annoying female to persuade him to go on another road trip.
Even if the road trip takes him to Texas, a state known for its brisket.
Will those who want the artifacts find out he is involved?
Fortunately, there are a lot of BBQ places between Los Angeles and Texas. It just so happens Brownstone gets a chance to stop at a few.

21. BBQ With a Side of No Apologies:
It’s hard to live a quiet life when you’ve left a trail of beatdowns and men in walls, but sometimes that’s the only way to achieve peace.
James isn’t happy when the head of a Mafia family comes into his restaurant and demands his help. The reputation of James Brownstone is supposed to keep peace in the L.A. underworld, but a few new arrivals didn’t get the memo.
Sometimes you don’t preserve the peace by preparing for war. You go straight to war.
All James’ local trouble might be annoying, but there’s a shining light in the distance: a respected filmmaker wants to film a barbecue documentary with James at the center.
A documentary BBQ road trip up the West Coast is just what James needs to relax, but the filmmaker seems more interested in capturing him beating down magical criminals than his thoughts on brisket.
At the same time, dark forces from beyond Earth are on the move, and they don’t care about barbecue.
James thought he had settled certain problems at the Battle of L.A., but sometimes a personal demonstration is necessary for someone to learn their lesson.

22. BBQ and STFU:
There is one thing you do not do… go after Brownstone’s family.
Powerful entities on Oriceran listen to prophecy and fear a threat to their home world.
That isn’t the only threat they should worry about.
Whispy Doom is forever trying to get James to upgrade, perhaps for the last time?
What will happen when beings who believe themselves to be invincible do the unthinkable?
Now, there are Brownstones on two worlds, and one young son growing up.
And amongst it all, you have Shay Brownstone as well.

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 1st November 2020. Thanks to T)

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