Download Two Crafty Criminals! by Philip Pullman (.ePUB)

Two Crafty Criminals!: and how they were Captured by the Daring Detectives of the New Cut Gang by Philip Pullman (The New Cut Gang #01~02)
Requirements: ePUB Reader | 6.6 MB | Version: Retail
Overview: Philip Pullman was born in Norwich on 19th October 1946. The early part of his life was spent travelling all over the world, because his father and then his stepfather were both in the Royal Air Force. He spent part of his childhood in Australia, where he first met the wonders of comics, and grew to love Superman and Batman in particular. From the age of 11, he lived in North Wales, having moved back to Britain. It was a time when children were allowed to roam anywhere, to play in the streets, to wander over the hills, and he took full advantage of it. His English teacher, Miss Enid Jones, was a big influence on him, and he still sends her copies of his books.

After he left school he went to Exeter College, Oxford, to read English. He did a number of odd jobs for a while, and then moved back to Oxford to become a teacher. He taught at various middle schools for twelve years, and then moved to Westminster College, Oxford, to be a part-time lecturer. He taught courses on the Victorian novel and on the folk tale, and also a course examining how words and pictures fit together. He eventually left teaching in order to write full-time.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult | Mystery


Thunderbolt, Benny, Bridie and Sharky Bob are a mixed bunch of vagabonds and urchins who come together to form the New Cut Gang in two comic tales of stolen silver, skulduggery and desperadoes. Fake coins are turning up all over Lambeth and the finger of suspicion is pointing at Thunderbolt’s dad – could he really be the forger? The crime-busting New Cut Gang come to the rescue! And when just two clues – a blob of wax and a Swedish match – are discovered at the scene of a break-in, the children find themselves on the trail of an extremely cunning criminal.

    1. Thunderbolt’s Waxwork
    2. The Gas-Fitters’ Ball

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