Download Twisted Little Games by Dee Palmer (.ePUB)

Twisted Little Games by Dee Palmer (Little Games Duet #2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 744 KB
Overview: Tia finds herself torn between the love of two very different men. Her blind desire for revenge has left her deep in a world of consequences she couldn’t have foreseen. Her carefully woven plans begin to unravel as she learns of secrets and twisted little games that have the power to tear her world apart and destroy everything she’s ever loved.
Dee Palmer lives just outside of London with her husband and (slightly embarrassed) children. Her passion is writing contemporary romance/romantic suspense novels and romantic erotica. These feature steamy sexy scenes, BDSM and Dominant and submissive role-play that will scorch the pages right off your kindle and are guaranteed to make your heart pound. Sassy female leads and heart stopping dark and dominant alpha males are her favourite literotica and whilst she always pictures an HEA, she isn’t afraid to put her readers through the ringer before she delivers.

When not at her desk she can be found either fannying around on Facebook or with her nose stuck in her Kindle. Once in a while when the lights are down she might be spotted about town searching for the best French martinis and throwing some dubious shapes on the dance floor. Yes she dances like no one is watching – it is a mystery how no one gets hurt!
Genre: Romance


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