Download Twilight Divide by Melanie Bokstad Horev (.ePUB)

Twilight Divide by Melanie Bokstad Horev
Requirements: epub reader, 393 kb
Overview: In a post-apocalyptic world of scorching days and freezing nights, the fierce Nour and her younger brother, Malik, navigate a dangerous desert. They face threats from two opposing forces: the Day Blazers, ruthless beings evolved for sunlight, and the Night Dwellers, creatures adapted to darkness.

Nour and Malik are Duets, capable of surviving both day and night, a rarity in this unforgiving landscape. Scarred by the loss of their family, they’ve learned to trust no one.

But when the death of Synthese, the only person they have a connection to, sets off a chain of events, Nour faces moral dilemmas and choices that challenge her resolve.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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